Monday, January 7, 2013

Testimonial Tuesday: BABY BUTT BALM

Let's be honest, I was on the verge of tears when I read this testimonial.  Perhaps it's the exhausting task of gestating that sent my hormones into over-drive, or it is simply because this testimonial rocks.  See for yourself...

"I have to write a letter of thanks to the Crunchy Mamas for solving a problem that has plagued one of my daughters. For over a year she has battled chronic irritation down in her nether region that nothing has cleared! We've gone through elimination diets to check for food allergies as well as doctor prescribed topical and oral antifungals and antibiotics, all to no avail. Tired of pumping her full of medications that weren't working, I knew I had to give your Baby Butt Balm a try. Within the first week of use we saw incredible results! Gone is the redness and irritation that has troubled her for so long! We will continue to apply it to ensure that her troubles stay at bay. Your product is amazing and I can't thank you enough!"  -Katie Woolsey

Thank you so much for sharing this with us, Katie!  Seeing your little one suffer is a horrible thing and the fact that the butt balm was able to help makes me want to do cartwheels.

We recently made a fresh batch of this good stuff.  Order it up friends and see if it works for your little cherubs cheeks!

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